Thursday, October 29, 2009

about moodle

i like internet programing & database. this moodle is very good and giving to much knowledge about website, server, database. Means in past wasn't know that when we open any website how it works, how we connect with another link, how we go inside the one page to another page, when we create any account it take our information but i wasn't know where this information and how it store and one more very important thing SERVER. This server has all the control on any website we can do any thing from server. i would like to know more about these things and i like this subject very much.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

actully this true that helvetica font famous font. I also saw the use of this font most of the places as well. From the documentery movie which is shown by ruairi in this class, i learned that this font is very effective font and simple, it's easy to read and clear, and i like this font. The movie was little bit boaring but giving more knowledge about helvatica font means how, where we use it, what are the importance of choosing helvatica, how this font attract people, all these things.
actully i always use those fonts which look like good to me and never care that which font it is.
But now i know that i should be carefull in choosing fonts. I would like to say thanx to Mr. Ruairi for showing that movie.