Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Today i finish my blog for "INTERNET PORGRAMING & DATABASES" and uploaded on Griffith College Knuth server, if any one want to have a look you can go on "" .In this blog any user can visit home page of blog, can see posts by user. For publishing any post any non logged in user have to create his own account there is a option of not a member or Register just click on that you will get a registration form, in which you have to fill currect detail and submit the form then you will become a member of my blog. After being member you can add new post, edit old post, delete post. Before living the blog you must have to logout otherwise any other user can use your account to add, edit or delete post by your name. Thanks for reading and please have a look of blog and comment either here or on that blog by creating his/her own account on my blog.

Sunday, December 20, 2009


This time i am doing both html and php, before starting this course i had the knowledge of html only and i love to make a website. But in this course i find that html is not enough for design we must know css for decoration of html code. Aan we also need to learn about php for creating any website in which we take data from user like ymail, gmail, facebook, etc. and we also must know about any database like SQL, i which we can store that data which come from the user. And use that data for users query like when a user create an accout on any website gmail or yahoo, he gives his/her detail that time store his/her data in on server and when he login in that time we check his database that is this user is exist or not. i like this php stuff very much and i m thinking to do my final project some thing related to php.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Methods of communication

Today's lecture of DM&S was on communication. The question was "Dialogue is Dead?". This question was really interesting. i never think about this that which method i use to communicate with my friends, relatives etc. When i wasn't use social network site, that time i was communicated by the mobile phone or meet directly, but since i started using SNS more, mostly use scrape, email , text messaging or messenger. I didn't notice this thing before this lecture that my mode of communication has been changed just because of technology. i can also say that using SNS, email , text messaging or messenger is cheaper, handy etc. that's why it's is in use. Means my most of the friend are in my country and if i call them it will be very costly or it may be possibility that they are in college, or sleeping or on job etc, because there is time from here to my country. If i send scrape, email, text etc they they can read it any time and reply.But after a long time 2-3 month i do communicate by phone or Internet using skype .So i can feel this that technology is affecting on traditional medium of communication, but for the answer of "dialogue is dead?" is no, it will not be dead.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

This is the time to do work on all assignment. Only few days left in finishing this semester and i got all assingments from all subject. For internet authoring i have to design a website as all and in internet pro& databases a blog and can u think for visual communication i have to create a poster for a movie scar and the genre of this movie is comedy, haha. I previous assignment of visual communication was image assignment, in this i had created four image to present love, hate, strong and corrupt, would u like to see, i am posting these images here please comment it.