Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Methods of communication

Today's lecture of DM&S was on communication. The question was "Dialogue is Dead?". This question was really interesting. i never think about this that which method i use to communicate with my friends, relatives etc. When i wasn't use social network site, that time i was communicated by the mobile phone or meet directly, but since i started using SNS more, mostly use scrape, email , text messaging or messenger. I didn't notice this thing before this lecture that my mode of communication has been changed just because of technology. i can also say that using SNS, email , text messaging or messenger is cheaper, handy etc. that's why it's is in use. Means my most of the friend are in my country and if i call them it will be very costly or it may be possibility that they are in college, or sleeping or on job etc, because there is time from here to my country. If i send scrape, email, text etc they they can read it any time and reply.But after a long time 2-3 month i do communicate by phone or Internet using skype .So i can feel this that technology is affecting on traditional medium of communication, but for the answer of "dialogue is dead?" is no, it will not be dead.

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